This is a complimentary block for the month of March for Quilt Block Mania. The block is free during the month of March.
Quilt Block Mania has talented pattern designers that offer free blocks on the first Tuesday of the month.
This month's theme was Floral. I decided to make a flower pot. This block is pieced. This block features a cute flower in a pot. The block can be made into a small wallhanging or table runner.
Potted Flower

Click on the pattern picture to be directed to the pattern page.
Where Do I Get The Block?
Sign up for my email notifications and you will receive a code to receive the block for free. The code will be valid for March 2023. One download allowable per person. Those that already receive my emails, will receive an email with the code as well.
Click the link below to sign up for the email notifications. You will be redirected to the home page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up or wait for the pop up box and sign up. Once signed up, you will receive a code sent via email. Use the code during checkout to receive your free block. No worries, we do not send out newsletters or email notifications often so you email box will not be spammed. We do not sell contact information or email addresses. Check out this pattern and there are many others that we have on the website to check out too.
See more of what I am doing on social media. Click one of the icons to be redirected.

You can also see other Quilt Mania Blocks by other designers by clicking on the links below.
Chubby Daisy Quilt block by Carolina Moorehttps://alwaysexpectmoore.com/chubby-daisy-quilt-block/
Violet by Inquiring Quilterhttps://www.inquiringquilter.com/questions/2023/03/07/quilt-block-mania-march-is-floral
Dahlia by Inflorescence Designshttps://inflorescencedesigns.com/quilt-block-mania-floral/
Poppy by Boberry Design Cohttps://boberrydesignco.com/blogs/news/poppy-flower-block-by-boberry-design-co
Summer Poppieshttps://scrapdash.com/summer-poppies
Coronation Bloomdhttps://orangeblossomquilt.com/blog/f/coronation-blooms
Rose of Sharon by QuiltFabricationhttps://www.quiltfabrication.com/2023/01/rose-of-sharon-for-march-quilt-block.html
Irises by Paleofish Designshttps://www.paleofishdesigns.com/post/irises
Lavender by Palm Creationshttps://thepalmcreations.com/blogs/news/lavender-is-the-timeless-symbol-of-rest-and-relaxation
Crocuses at Patti's Patchworkhttps://pattispatchwork-blog.com/2023/03/07/shades-of-spring/
Tulip by Penny Spool Quiltshttps://www.pennyspoolquilts.com/blogs/blog/tulip-quilt-block
Improv Pansy at Lovingly, Lissahttps://lovinglylissa.com/2023/03/07/a-little-bit-of-improv/
Daisy by Appliques Quilts and Morehttps://www.appliquesquiltsandmore.com/blog/quilt-block-mania-daisy-391848
Cone Flowerhttps://tamarinis.typepad.com/tamarinis/2023/02/quilt-block-mania-floral-blocks-and-coneflower.html
Summer Flower by Crafty Stacihttps://www.craftystaci.com/blog/summer-flower-quilt-block
Mother Nature's Memoshttps://www.blueheronquilting.shop/post/mother-nature-s-memos-free-pattern
Kaye Collins- Big Blossomhttps://ohkayequilting.com/2023/03/07/big-blossom/
Star Flower Quilt Blockhttps://patchworkbreeze.com/star-flower-quilt-block/
FPP Flower at The (not so) Dramatic Lifehttp://thenotsodramaticlife.com/welcome-spring-with-these-free-floral-quilt-block-patterns/
Spring Tulip by Around the Bobbinhttps://aroundthebobbin.com/quilt-block-mania-spring-tulip
Happy Sunflowers by Blue Bear Quiltsbluebearquilts.com/2023/03/quilt-block-mania-happy-sunflowers-block-complimentary-block-pattern-for-march-2023/
Poppy by Sallys' Sewing Circlehttps://www.sallyssewingcircle.com/post/poppy
Reversible Flower Block | Happy Hippie Studiohttps://www.happyhippiestudio.com/blog/reversibleflowerblock
Primrose Pinwheels by A Piece of Quiet Quiltshttps://www.apieceofquietquilts.com/quilty-blog/primrose-pinwheels