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SewPink Blog Hop Initiative By Annie

Writer: Brianna RobertsBrianna Roberts

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

The SewPink blog hop initiative is hosted By Annie. Check out their site for more details.

When I was asked to participate, I said yes, immediately. This blog hop is in honor of breast cancer awareness month. I wanted to continue to encourage others to be aware of their health by taking preventative measures. Breast cancer awareness is so important and as you know with my last blog this month, I whole heartedly believe in early detection and testing.

My sister Karina.

Yearly mammograms and self exams are important for women's health. My sister went for her exams yearly and last year a lump was found in her left breast. It was cancerous and she needed to have surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. This November marks her 1 year anniversary of being cancer free. It was a difficult time in her life and it was hard to watch her go through it.

Breast cancer is awful and knowing that your loved one is going through this horrible ordeal is sad and frightening. You don't know what the outcome brings and you want them not have pain or go through this fight.

My happy smiling sister.

I am hopeful that she will remain cancer free. She is a fighter and a survivor.

I decided to make the Stash And Dash bag by Annie in support of breast cancer awareness month. My sister loves organizer bags so I thought this would be the perfect project to make. I wanted to make one for her and her coworker. My sister told me that her coworker, Ashley, recently found out that she has breast cancer. She will be starting her treatments this November. I made her a quilt and thought an organizer bag would be a perfect addition to go with the quilt. She could carry her medications, lotions and tissues in it when going to her treatments.

I used By Annie's Soft And Stable, mesh, zippers and clear vinyl. I paired it with beautiful Michael Miller Think Pink fabric collection and their Fairy Frost collection. These supplies were provided by Michael Miller fabrics and By Annie's.

When talking with my sister, I asked her what would be of comfort that someone could use while going through cancer treatments. She mentioned a port pillow and an after care breast support pillow. A port pillow protects a person's chemotherapy port when using a seat belt and the breast pillow helps cushion the body while recovering. I had seen them before but thought I would make a quick pattern to share with others so that you could make these pillows to share with a friend or family member or donate them. They do not take any time at all to make and they will give someone a bit a comfort while going through treatment. I used Michael Miller's Minky Think Pink fabric for these projects because they were cuddly and soft. Quilting cottons are great for these projects as well.

Port Pillow Tutorial:



  1. Put one 4"x 7" rectangle piece of fabric right side up.

  2. Place the loop side of the fasteners facing up on top of the fabric rectangle. Extend each fastener about 1/4" past the edge of the fabric on the long side of the fabric.

  3. Repeat step two but place the hook side of the fasteners facing down and adhere them to the loop side. Extend them 1/4" past the edge of the fabric on the long side of the fabric.

  4. Take the second 4"x 7" rectangular piece of fabric and place it right side down on top of the hook and loop fasteners.

  5. Clip or pin all three layers together.

  6. Sew a 1/4" seam allowance along all sides leaving about a 2" gap to turn and fill it.

  7. Turn it right side out and fill it with stuffing.

  8. Sew the opening closed and you are finished.

A video tutorial is included below.

After Care Heart Breast Pillow Tutorial:



  1. Cut two sides of the heart pillow from the pattern piece provided.

  2. Place both sides of the pillow right sides together.

  3. Pin or clip in place.

  4. Sew a 1/4" seam allowance along all sides leaving a 3" gap to turn and fill it.

  5. Turn right side out and fill it with stuffing.

  6. Sew the opening closed and you are finished.

Giveaway Time!

By Annie's and Michael Miller Fabrics sponsored the products for this blog. I want to share them with you.

Giveaway 1:

Answer this question to be entered for a chance to win four Michael Miller Think Pink fabric collection of fat quarters, By Annie's zipper and mesh.

What do you like to make and give away as a gift?

Don't forget to sign up as a member to answer the question in the blog. This giveaway is open to our US residents. The winner will be chosen randomly. The giveaway closes on Sunday, October 30th at midnight EST. The winner will be notified via email on Monday, 31st of October. Winner: bgstoots

Giveaway 2:

Go to my Instagram feed to enter to win six Michael Miller Think Pink fabric collection of fat quarters, By Annie's Stash and Dash pattern, zipper, buckles and mesh.

Instagram Feed:

  1. Find this giveaway post

  2. Like the post and follow the post instructions

  3. Follow me on Instagram

  4. Tag a Quilty friend.

Winner: Brenda Baughman

A winner will be chosen randomly on Sunday, October 30th. The giveaway closes on Saturday, October 29th at midnight EST. The winner will be notified by message on Instagram. This giveaway is open to our US residents.

Thank you for following along on my sewing journey. Take a look at these wonderful blogs to support breast cancer awareness month.


✂ Oct. 1 Kick off

✂ Oct. 3 : Emmaline Bags

✂ Oct. 4: Hugs ‘N Kisses

✂ Oct. 5: Clover and Violet

✂ Oct. 7: Sewfinity

✂ Oct. 11:Beyond the Reef

✂ Oct. 12: Sallie Tomato

✂ Oct. 13: Suzn Quilts

✂ Oct. 17: Snuggles Quilts

✂ Oct. 20: Pat Sloan

✂ Oct. 21: Knot and Thread Design

✂ Oct.23: Sookie Sews

✂ Oct. 24: Mister Domestic

✂ Oct. 26: A Bright Corner

✂ Oct. 27: Sew Cute and Quirky

✂Oct. 31 : Final Wrap Up

The #SewPink Initiative was created by LLC to raise awareness for breast cancer throughout the year. Our efforts culminate in an annual blog hop during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month to promote self-care, awareness, early detection and support for those affected by breast cancer.

To learn more and see the calendar of events visit:

To find screenings available near you:

This year we are again joining forces with Fat Quarter Shop to promote a fundraiser. Their goal of raising $20,000 to donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. will match every dollar raised on the #SewPINK fundraising page.


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